Thursday, March 24, 2011





    It is based mainly on mineral explotation such as coal, natural gas, salt mines. It is also a source in Colombia and the world of electricity, gas, potable water, transport and serves also in heath, community service, domestic care and education. And too fishing, construction, and many other things. produced mainly tobacco, coffee, yuca, plantain, coconuts, ñame, arracacha, oil palm, sugar cane, and perico.


    Mostly influenced by the traditions of the Wayuu culture, European culture, mainly through Roman Catholic traditions, Afro-Colombian and since the mid-20th Century from the Middle Eastern culture, including Islamic traditions
    *Language: There are three main languages in La Guajira, the most spoken in terms of population is the Spanish language followed by the Wayuu language. The growing population of Middle Eastern immigrants has contributed with the Arabic language in the region. Koguis and Wiwas are more associated with the Chibchan languages speaking also in their own variation
    *Music: it’s mainly vallenato and instrumental music.
    *Food: the food that they always eat it fish and sea food because they are nearby the sea and also because they have European desendense so they like it a lot and its very nutritive.


    Amerindian ethnic group of the La Guajira Peninsula. They are divided in clans that are like big families. They talk wayuu language. The structure of representation of this culture integrates a series of important deities into their mythical universe. Their central figure is Mareiwa, god creator of the Wayuu and founder of society. Pulowi and Juya, a married deity couple associated with procreation and life, where Pulowi is the female figure; related the wind and dry seasons, and Juya the male; a nomad figure related to hunting and seen as a powerful killer. Wanulu represents the evil god, illness and death. They live in Rancherias; they make cotton bags and a lot of manualities. The Majayura or ritual of the "young wayuu virgin" in which the female dances towards the male for marriage, while other males perform rhythms with their traditional instruments until the male tumbles onto the ground.

    Is meanly based on the explotation on minerals resources, such as coal in the cerrejon mines, natural gas, salt mines etc…Agriculture, silviculture and fishing accounts for 7.99% of the total followed by commerce, hotel industry and restaurant industry which together account for 6.65% of the total revenues in the Department of La Guajira. In a lower scale public administration accounts for 5.47%, Construction for 3.01%, Real State with 2.21% and Industrial sector 0.52%.
    In the department of la guajira have been mostly influenced by the traditions of the wayuu culture, European culture, mainly through Roman Catholic traditions, Afro-Colombian and since the mid-20th Century from the Middle Eastern culture, including Islamic traditions.
    CAPITAL: rioacha
    GOVERNOR: Jorge Eduardo Pérez
    POPULATION: 623,250
    LENGUAGE: There are three main languages in La Guajira, the most spoken in terms of population is the Spanish language followed by the Wayuu language
    MUSIC: Vallenato

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Is based on the exploitation of mineral resources, on agriculture, fishing and silviculture.It serves education, community service and health.
    Produce Coconuts,coffe, oil palm and many other things.

    La Guajira and Magdalena department have some traditions of the Wayuu, Afrocolombian and European cultures.
    The Language is Spanish and Wayuu.
    They are some cultures that live there many years ago such as the Koguis or the Wayuus.They all have different traditions, celebrations and beliefs.

    Gastronomy in the Department of La Guajira is associated to the traditional gastronomy of the Wayuu culture, based on local fauna and flora. The most representative dish is the friche; a fried goat seasoned with salt and its own blood. Another very common dish is the Rice with shrimp; rice is cooked with a previously boiled shrimp.



    •Economical Activities of la Guajira: depends on trade, mining, tourism and services. The agriculture and cattle are secondary it produce sesame, rice, sorghum, cotton, cassava, sugar cane and snuff.

    •Economical Activities of Magdalena: It depends on agricultural, ranching, tourism and port. The products are cotton, rice, bananas, African palm, snuff and some fruit. The ranching is extensive.

    •Cultural Features: Have some traditions of the Wayuu, Afrocolombian and European cultures, they have differents traditions
    Capital of la Guajira: Riohacha.
    Capital of Magdalena: Santa Marta.
    Language: Spanish and Wayuu.

    •Hydrograph: its most important watercourse is the River Rancheria, which begin in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and empties into the Caribbean Sea. The secondary rivers are Ancho, Camarones, Cañas, Garavito, Lucuici, Sillamaná, San Francisco, San Miguel y San Salvador.


  6. Economical activities of Magdalena
    the economic sources are really diverse, they have agriculture in which they work African palm, rice, sorghum, corn, cotton, coffee, and banana crops and raising livestock it has also very good economic activities thanks to it is next to the Magdalena river where they can do fishing, and they also do mining in which they work petroleum, magnesium, calcareous and limestone
    Economical activities of la guajira
    One of the most important economic activities in la guajira is mining they work with coal in el cerrejon and with salt in Manaure, this mineral is really easy to market internationally because of the distance to the sea. In la guajira gas is extracted which is carried to the atlantic coast and they produce electricity and they use it for houses too.the Indians of la guajira do not do those activities they are nomadic and they do cattle herding, fishing, mining of gypsum and salt, other important activities are agriculture and trade

    Cultural features of magdalena and la guajira
    They are mostly influenced by the wayuu culture they, mostly speak Spanish and the language of the wayuu people there are also other tribes there such as the koguis its trtaditions are from mostly wayuu, afrocolombian and European , all of them have different traditions and beliefs

    Gastronomy of la guajira
    Because the have the rivers so close to them they eat mostly fish
    Here are some typical plates
    Friche: Typical dish of the Wayuu, the goat is part of meat, bones and viscera, and then fry it with salt

    Rice with Shrimp: This rice tastes different because the shrimp are boiled and dried in the sun to dehydrate and concentrate its flavor

    Iguana stew with coconut: A very common dish in the inland town of La Guajira

    Iguaraya: Fruit of the cactus, has digestive properties and is the basis of juices and wine.

    Tortuga Fried: In rice, soup and stew.
    by: valentina morantes cardona

  7. BY Elisa kerguelen 7°B
    Guajira and Magdalena
    Its economy currently depend primarily on mining (70%), followed by services (15%), agricultural activities (11%) and industry (4%).They exploit of sea salt, coal, and natural reserves. The trade is located in Rioacha and Maicao. The agriculture and livestock play a secondary roll.
    The department has large deposits of gas.
    Arawak: they are Located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the region, San Sebastian de Rábago.
    They are also known as Ika.
    Language: Chibcha
    Kogui: Spread over the foothills, southern massif of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
    They are dressed in heavy clothing woven for themselves.
    Wiwa: located in the department of La Guajira are based on the receipt Kogui-Malayo-Arhuaco.
    Located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, especially in the village of Atanque, and Cesar River, where they live on farms.

    Economy: Itis focused on farming, ranching, tourism and port. Fishing is practiced in the sea and in the swamps.
    Polly i will post the topic im interested in later.



    The main economical activities of la guajira and magdalena are: mining electrical energy production , gas extraction , fishing and also work on agriculture and trade, some of their casuals jobs are seasonal crop and smuggling.


    Guajira have tradicionals dances like : Chichimaya, Yanna.they make a festive call Cumbra and Carnavales . Magdalena and la guajira have so many common tradicions, Magdalena people are call Magdalences.


    High temperature with a little bit of wind and its also kind of dry,its a really windy place and theres no much rain

    By: Amalia Villa Bernal 7B

  9. La Guajira and Magdalena
    ECONOMICAL ACTIVITIES : It depends on tourism, agriculture,Fishing and ranching.
    And they produce cofee and so many things more.
    Cultural features:
    -capital of la Guajira:Riohacha
    -Capital of Magdalena : Santa Marta
    Lenguaje: Wayuu,Spanish
    They have some traditions of afrocolombian wayu and European cultures.
    Population : 623,250

    Economical activities :are mining, trade and service.

    The average temperature in La Guajira are 27 and 30 ° C, with maximum
    45 ° C. In the mountainous reaches the minimum temperature of 3 ° C


    ECONOMICAL ACTIVITIES: Minning (El Cerrejón),agriculture,industry(salt),treaty and also turism.
    Their main crops are: rice, maize, beans, coffee, sugarcane, cassava, cotton, sesame, banana, sorghum and snuff. Livestock developed is from breeding and release of goats, although there are some cattle. The departament also counts with important realease of gas.

    CULTURAL FEATURES: Maicao City is the main Muslim presence in Colombia since it is the largest mosque in Latin America. They have lots of festivals religious or officials.The most important are: Festival Cuna de Acordeones
    Festival y Reinado Nacional e Internacional del Dividivi
    Festival de La Sal, Gas y Flamenco
    Festival de la Cultura Wayúu
    Festival del Retorno


    ECONOMICAL ACTIVITIES: Farming, ranching, tourism, port and fishing. The crops grown are cotton, rice, bananas, oil palm,avocato, snuff and some fruit. Livestock production is extensive and has the purpose of breeding, fattening and lift. Fishing is practiced in the swamps and the sea. Tourism is concentrated in Santa Marta and Tayrona park, while trade and services are only in the capital.

    CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: The 80% of culture is lost(Language, religion, festivals) since spaniards went. But now the most important carnival is the one to honor Santa Maria Magdalenae, that is a religious tradition which consists on decorating the streets woth color and images of her, here they are other 6 festivals important too: Festival Son Togre de la Montaña Semana de la Afrocolombianidad
    Festival Nacional de la Cumbia
    Encuentro Regional de Gaitas
    El hombre Caimán
    Danzas del Río

  11. Guajira

    The economical activities in la guajira depends on trade, mining, tourism and services. Agriculture and livestock are important to but not the most important thing Trade is located in Riohacha and in the border city of Maicao. Coal is exploited in cerrejón mines. Also salt in Manaure,
    They subsistence of agricultura they produce: Ajonjoli, arroz, sorgo, algodón, yuca, ca;a de azúcar and tabaco


    Capital: Riohacha
    Population: 130,000
    Language: Spanish And Wayuu
    Culture: Wayuu Almost all of them

    National Natural Parks

    Area: 25,000 hectares.

    Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta:
    Location: Region of Magdalena, Guajira and Cesar.
    Area: 383,000 hectares.


    its economic :agriculture (African palm, rice, sorghum, corn, cotton, coffee and banana crops as well as raising livestock), livestok and fishing in both the sea and river and mining (petroleum, magnesium, calca

    Capital: Santa Marta
    Population: 320,000

    National Natural Parks

    Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta:
    Location: Region of Magdalena, Guajira and Cesar.
    Area: 383,000 hectares.

    Salamanca Island:
    Area: 21,000 hectares.

    Area: 15,000 hectares.


    The department of La Guajira offers many tourist attractions from the viewpoint of natural, cultural and scientific. Among its main attractions are highlighted the Cabo de La Vela, the beaches between Dibulla and Bahia Honda, pyramidal hills of La Teta and Pilon de Azucar and historic ruins in the village of Puerto Lopez, the fauna and flora sanctuary Los Flamencos Macuira natural national parks and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the commercial area of Maicao, coal mines and salt Cerrejon Manaure.

    The capital is Santa Marta; its economy is based in agriculture, commerce and tourism. The main products are: cotton, banana, sesame, avocado, rice, corn, Tabaco and African palm. Is based in livestock (ganadería), and shrimp breeding. The main touristic places are: Santa Marta and Tairona. Agriculture: 60%
    Santa Marta bay import and export a lot.

    ECONOMY OF LA GUAJIRA: The capital is Riohacha, its mains sources of economy are: El Cerrejón: that is a coal/carbon mine that is the largest deposit of open pit coal in the world, with 16.000 millions of tons. Salinas de Manaure: is a big deposit of exploitation of sea salt. Also from the guajira some gas is extracted for energy production, but the Indians do fishing, extraction of sea salt and gypsum (yeso) and do livestock. Agricultural: 11% and Mining: 70%.

    CULTURE: it has few ways and services. It has some indian culture like the kogis, Tayrona, Wayuus and others like afrocolombian and European cultures.

    Nuevo atlas de Colombia.


    The costal stew, (sancocho costeño) is delicious and also the arepa with egg, (arepa de huevo) the corn muffin, (boyo limpio o de chocolo) the yams and the plantains (patacon).
    The typical plate is seafood mix with:
    -chipi chipi

    There they eat:
    Roast goat, It could be fry or stew and is the most important food for the Wayuus and in Riohacha they eat iguana and seafood


    BY: Carolina Lotero Pérez
    Grade: 7°B
    Date: 24 of March of 2011

  13. ECONOMY!
    The great strength of its economy is the Magdalena River and its tributaries through its ports, economic activities are fluid in the sector. It highlights activities such as mining, coal mining and limestone, quartz and marble, so it is important to the cultivation of oil palm. Livestock activities are also an important item in the local economy.
    The economy of Magdalena is focused on farming, ranching, tourism and port. The crops grown are cotton, rice, bananas, oil palm, snuff and some fruit. Fishing is practiced in the swamps and the sea. Tourism is concentrated in Santa Marta AndTayrona Park, while trade and services are only in the capital.
    The economy of the department of Guajira depends on trade, mining, tourism and services. Agriculture and livestock play a secondary role. Trade is located in Riohacha and in the border city of Maicao. It operates coal mines in Cerrejón and Salt mines in Manaure. Agriculture is mainly subsistence, there is sesame, rice, sorghum, cotton, cassava, sugar cane and snuff. Department also has large deposits of gas.

    los habitantes de magdalena son llamados magdalenences y algunas festivales son el festival de la cumbia y los carnavales de santa marta. Algunos bailes tipicos de la guajira son el baile chichamaya y tambien el baile yonna.

    Guajira: In the Department of La Guajira are more than 800 artisans who make their crafts in order to survive, the cornerstone of all indigenous crafts and mestizo of La Guajira is the fabric. It strikes to make multiple items ranging from a simple transverse to a luxuriousand beautiful rug.

    The main handicrafts that are made backpacks, hammocks, blankets, waireñas, bags,belts or Kanna, and the gold the stick-bracelets, necklaces coquito, the poporos, theportamateras and owls. In the pottery vase and make the masks.

    WAYUUS=The Wayuus have their own language, all the richness that emanates from it is reflected in the oral literature and their perception of the world and their aspirations for the future.

    Their organization is magical – religious and it has been known by a collection of their myths because the Wayuu are great storytellers, since they enjoy telling and hearing stories about nonhuman characters and they also love hearing about them.

    KOGUI= The Kogi are an indigenous community, descendants of the Tayrona,they are characterized by their spirituality and the way they understand their mission on Earth.They are also very peaceful.

    Kogui live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta.

    Kogi society is organized in hierarchical layers. At the highest level is the breast or high priest, second are the older men of high rank and the last ones are the vassals.


  14. La Guajira and Magdalena
    Main economical activities: Agricultural, cattle, tourist and port. And some products that they cultivate are cotton, rice, banana and tabacco. They also practice fishing.

    Cultural features: the people that live in Magdalena are called Magdalenences. some dances of La Guajira are Chicamaya dance, and the Yonna dance. Also some festivities of Magdalena are El festival de la Cumbia and Carnavales of Santa Marta.

    Climate: The average climate of la Guajira is of 27 and 30° C, with a maximum of 45° C. Mostly it only rains between September and december.
    La Guajira's climate has generated a really tipic vegetation, with cactus, it is the dryest zone of Colombia.



    note:polyy i am going to post th information on different posts because it doesn't fit!



    The department's economy depends mainly on the trade, mining, tourism and services. Agriculture and livestock play a secondary sector. It operates coal mines in Manaure and salt in the mine of Cerrejón. Agriculture is necessary for the survival of different cultures or for export, sesame, rice, sorghum, cotton, cassava, sugar cane and snuff are the main agricultural products that are produced. The department also has large deposits of gas.
    Mining 70%
    services 15%
    agricultural activities 11%
    industry: 4%


    The economy of Magdalena department is focused on farming, ranching, tourism and port. The crops grown are cotton, rice, bananas, oil palm, snuff and some fruits. Livestock production is extensive and has the purpose of breeding, fattening and lift. Fishing is practiced in the swamps and the sea. Tourism is concentrated in Santa Marta and Tayrona park, while trade and services are only in the capital.

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  17. continued...

    by: paulina sanchez


    they live in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, they emerged from the bottom of the mountain and they share mother and place with the Kogis. They plant sweet potatoes, pineapple, squash, taro, coffee, rice and pepper and perform livestock with pigs. They are organized by paternal and maternal families. The homes are also separated by gender.

    Its economy is based on agriculture, they live in the southern and northern Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.They went to live to the mountains after being pushed out from the society by the magdalena’s authorities. They believe they come from the highlands and that’s why they are the older siblings and they know and care for nature, and as we were born after we are the younger siblings and we do not care for the world. The mamo It’s the leader and intermediary between the gods and men.

    they have survived in la guajira desert for many centuries. The different families live in widely separated Rancherias. Grazing is the most important activity . The number of goats, cattle, horses and mules are the symbol of wealth and power. The Knowledge of the Wayuu have passed from one generation to another and are reflected in tissues that they represent for them more of an art, a way of expressing and understanding life as they live it.

    they Live in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. In colonial times the Arawaks had to leave to the more remote areas and settle in the mountains. They Share part of its territory, beliefs and culture with the Kogi. Arahuacos are known as peaceful, carefree people. They eat fish, snails, maize, cassava, sweet potato and other wild fruits, Their economy is mainly the textile industry: men make blankets, hammocks and nets while women made backpacks.

    They live near the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. They were formed From the evolution of former members of neighboring groups that changed their thinking and adapt, this has brought problems between these cultures that have been resolved through dialogue. Their culture is different from the one of its neighbors mainly by their clothing,. Its economy is based on individual ownership of crops and animals for breeding and trade.


    Magdalena department has three well-defined geological regions: the plain of the Magdalena, La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the plain of Ariguaní, places where even today you can find significant traces of Indian settlements.

    Cultures that inhabited Santa Marta:

    The Tayrona were notable for their economy based on farming maize, cassava, beans, sweet potatoes and pineapple. They cultivated in terraces to avoid erosion using strategic irrigation systems. They traded Products with inland tribes.

    Chimilas grew sweet potatoes, yams, maize and cassava. For their trips were they did not took food, they took herbs’ juice that mitigated the fatigue and hunger.

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  19. continued...
    topic i chose: GEOGRAPHY:
    by: paulina sanchez


    The terrain includes mountains, cliffs, plains and dunes. La Guajira has been subdivided into three regions from northeast to southwest, the upper, Middle and Lower Guajira. The upper Guajira, is located in the peninsular tip, it’s a semi-desert, and it has scarce vegetation, dominated by cactus, and some samll hills.
    The climate of La Guajira, especially in the peninsula, it’s arid, dry and highed temperatured, altered a bit with the sea breeze and the northeasterly winds that blow throughout most of the year, the rains are rare and usually occur in the months of September to November.

    North: Caribbean
    South: cesar department
    East: state of Zulia
    West: Caribbean Sea


    In the territory of the department of Magdalena there are three well-defined physiographic units. The first includes the band bathed in the Magdalena River over a length of 200 km, it is characterized by numerous swamps, marshes and flats, The second region consists of the vast central plains, relief wavy Ariguaní bathed by the river and its tributaries, there are oil fields in operation and excellent farmland exploited in different crops and livestock, the third consists of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the isolated massive Andean mountain system, rises in the northernmost part of the department.

    North: Caribbean
    East: Departments of La Guajira and Cesar
    South and West: Magdalena river which separates it from Bolívar and Atlántico.


    •Guajira´s economy:
    The economy of la Guajira actually depends in first place the mining (70%), followed by the services (15%), farming (11%) and the industry (4%). It stands the exploitation of sea (Manaure), coal (minas de El Cerrejón ) and natural gas reserves. Tourism is important (3 natural parks for the ecotourism, the historical ruins of the town Puerto López). It has agriculture (sesame, rice, sorghum, cotton, cassava, sugar cane and snuff); and livestock, especially goats.

    •Guajira´s culture:

    ARHUACO: inhabit the western side of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, share a portion of territory with the Kogi and Wiwa, has 14,799 inhabitants, to the snowy peaks are considered the center of the world. They considerate themselves as the oldest brothers of the rest of the people because they came first. The main economic activity is livestock, specifically cattle and sheep.

    KOGUI: they live around the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, the population is estimated at 9,911 people, they believe that the snowy peaks are the center of the world, they considerate that they are older brothers and that the other people are younger brothers, their social organization is based on the family and agriculture is the main economic activity.

    WIWA: they live inthe Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, its population reaches 1.922 people, their ancestral lands are low and warm on the north side of the Sierra, as economic activities planted sweet potatoes, pineapple, squash, taro, coffee, rice and pepper In addition to the breeding of poultry and pigs.

    WAYUU: inhabits the arid Guajira peninsula in northern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela, on the Caribbean Sea, have 144,003 inhabitants, their social organization is based on clans, clan members share a status and an ancestor in common; they dedicate to the livestock, but also carry out fishing activities in the entire coastal zone and produce handicrafts.

    KANKUAMO: they live in the low mountains of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, they have an estimated population of 3,802 people; the Kankuamos do offerings to their ancestors and with this they established their continuity with the indigenous past, its economic system is based on individual ownership of crops and animals for breeding.

    •Magdalena´s economy:
    The economy of Magdalena department is focused on farming, ranching and tourism. The crops grown are cotton, rice, bananas, oil palm, snuff and some fruit. Livestock production is extensive and has the purpose of breeding, fattening and lift. Fishing is practiced in the swamps and the sea. Tourism is concentrated in Santa Marta and Tayrona Park, while trade and services are only in the capital.

    •magdalena´s culture:
    Before the conqueros arrived to magdalena,it was full of native groups; the natives had a natural culture.
    now, magdalena make traditional dances and carnavals.

    BY: Carolina Agudelo 7B

  21. economy:
    Economy based primarly on mining, carbon in el Cerrrejon and salt in Manaure.
    it is also based secondarily on agriculture and the main products are cotton, rice, sesame and cereals.
    and counts with deposits of gas.

    Economy based on agriculture, trade and tourism.
    the main products are bananas, cotton, sugar cane and avocado.
    also for the livestock and shrimp farming.
    Santa Marta is moving much of the country's imports and exports.

  22. culture:
    Arawak: west of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, its economy is based on agriculture and has approximately 3,500 indigenous
    are of the Chibcha family.

    Taironas: occupied the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the year 500, is a culture that had much progress through the story and the few indigenous groups that remain together.

    Wayus or Guajiros: found on the Guajira Peninsula, where they live in families, clans or communities.
    men are engaged in planting and grazing while women engaged in embroidery, clothing blankets, and are recognized by their color and quality.

    Kogi: are located on the north side and south of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, its economy is based on agriculture and its main product is bananas.

  23. free topic: holidays and celebrations
    holidays all year round festivals are celebrated, religious and official festival generating environment throughout the department.
    the most important: The Cradle of Accordions Festival in Villanueva, Festival and National and International Pageant Divi divi in Riohacha and Culture Festival Wayúu Uribia, they all highlight the vallenato genre.

  24. Guajira…
    Climate: the climate of la Guajira, specially in the peninsula is a dry and high temperatures climate, altered a little bit with the seabreeze and windas thet blow most of the year the rains are generly fron September to November
    Economy:the economy of the department of guajira depends on trade, miningand turism. The trade is located in riohachaand in the border of micao
    Culture: guajira jave tradicional dances called chichimaya, yana, cumbara… in la guajira have been mostly by the wayuu cultures and the roman catholic traditions
    Climate: the climate of Magdalena is dry. With the exception of the mountainious region where they have alla the thermal floars, from the heat in the lower part to the glacial peaks of the sierra Nevada de santamarta.
    Economy:Magdalena is centered in agricultural, liverstok, turism and port. The products they grow are cotton, rice, bananas, oil palm andsome frui
    Culture: people in mandalena are called magdalences. They are most of them influenced by the wayuu culture they speek Spanish and wayuu language…

  25. CULTURE:
    Magdalena: People from Magdalena are called Magdalenences and some festivals are
    Cumbia Festival and Santa Marta´s carnivals. Some typical dances from the
    Guajira are also yonna dance and chichamaya dance.
    Guajira: people from The Guajira are called Guajiros and there are more than 800 artisans who make their crafts in order to survive, the cornerstone of all indigenous crafts and mestizo of La Guajira is the fabric. It strikes to make multiple items ranging from a simple transverse to a luxurious and beautiful rug.

    Magdalena: The economy of Magdalena is focused on farming, ranching, tourism and port. The crops grown are rice, cotton, oil palm, bananas, snuff and some fruit. Fishing is practiced in the swamps and the sea. Tourism is concentrated in Santa Marta and Tayrona Park, while trade and services are only in the capital. The great strength of its economy is the Magdalena River and its tributaries through its ports, economic activities are fluid in the sector. It highlights activities such as mining, coal mining and limestone, quartz and marble, so it is important to the cultivation of oil palm. Livestock activities are also an important item in the local economy.
    Guajira: The economy of the department of Guajira is based on trade, tourism mining, and services. Agriculture and livestock play a secondary role, agriculture is mainly subsistence, and there is sesame, rice, sorghum, cotton, cassava, sugar cane and snuff. The Guajira also has large deposits of gas and has coal and salt mines.
    Trade is located in Riohacha and in the border city of Maicao.

    FREE TOPIC: Climate
    Magdalena: The climate of the department of Magdalena is dry and sultry, with average temperature
    29 ° C, with the exception of the mountainous region “La sierra Nevada de Santa Marta” the northeast trade winds also exert a decisive influence that adjust the heat.

    Guajira: The Guajira is hot specially the media and Alta; temperatures can reach over 40ºC or 100ºF. The most scorching and wettest months are different depending on the region. In Riohacha and Manaure, in the media-Guajira, May-July are the hottest months with rains coming in April and again from September-November. As you move into the Alta-Guajira Patterns change. The entire region experiences high winds in January and February, but the sun is still extremely strong as always in The Guajira-

  26. Guajira and magdalena.
    Economical: The economic of the Guajira depends the most of mining, mining is about 70% and it emphasis in the exploitation of sea salt and carbon and natural gas. Mining is followed by the tourism, tourism is about 15% and there are three natural parks specialized in ecotourism. Tourism is followed by agriculture, agriculture is about 11% and they cultivate sesame, rise, cassava, sorghum, cotton and snuff.
    Cultural: There are many different indigenes tribes, like Arawak, Kankuamo, Wiwa, Kogui and Wayu. Of those last tribes the most important and developed ones are Kogui and Wayu... Kogui: We can find this tribe on the Sierra Nevada they walk in the beaches searching for

  27. shells.Capital: Rio Hacha
    Magdalena: The economy of Magdalena is based on agricultural, farming, port and touristic activities, the products that are cultivated are: cotton, bananas and palms.
    Cultural: Capital: Santa Marta. The population from this geographic zone comes from two different indigenes tribes that are: Karib and Arawak and a lot of percent of the culture of the Magdalena is lost but there are many thing that kept. The people that lives in Magdalena is called Magdanelenses and in the Sierra Nevada De Santa Marta survives Arawak Kogis and Ansaris.
    Cabo de la vela: Is a very pretty place to visit in the Guajira, is like 5 hours by car of Rio Hacha, in the Cabo De La Vela there are located the community of the Wayu, is a deserted place in this place you can visit places like el faro, el cerro Pantu and El morro

  28. Guajiras economy
    Guajiras economy is based in minery services and agropecuary activities, the industry, salt exploitation, carbon exportation, natural gas reserves, tourism, agriculture, ganaderie and the trade in Riohacha and Maicao.
    Magdalenas economy
    Magdalenas economy is focused in agropecuary activities,ganaderie, tourism, portuary activities,agricultura, trade and fishing
    The agricultura is based in cotton, rice, banana, african palm, snuff and some fruits
    The fishing is practiced in the swamps and the sea.
    The tourism is focused in Santa Marta and the parque Tairona,
    The trade and services are located in the capital.
    Guajiras culture
    One of the most important tribe is the Wayu
    They are ubicated at the peninsula of la Guajira. They are nomads. They believe in their own gods. They are divided in “castas”. Their economy is based in the ganaderie and salt exploitation. They speck their own language.
    When a girl is changing into a woman they take out their hair and put them apart and give them an especial diet.
