1. The feudal system was apparently first used in France by the Normans, later used England after William I conquered the country. 2. Knights do stupid things on towers that will make them fall down or drop their weapons. 3. Knights HATE flowers.
1. If someone´s horse runs away for no apparent reason and goes to look for help leaving their stuff alone someone will steal it (funny how it still happens today XD) 2. Knights fell from walls here too. 3. Spiderman jumped around. 4. Then, the horse mentioned before runs over the knight, his owner chasing him.
1. They killed eachother. 2. The feudal lord (here called Baron ?) gave knights land, they had to show loyalty to him and pay military service. They had to protect the lord, his family and the whole Manor when attacked. 3. They used as much of land as they wanted for what they wanted and gave the rest to serfs. 4. They killed more people, and ran over flowers with catapults ( D: FLOWERS GET NO LOVE )
Serfs worked on the lands given to them by knights, they worked for free. They had no rights, were poor, had to ask permission for everything and never let the Manor.
*Iron Mining: Im guessing they were blacksmiths? and made armor for knights? In any case, the Robin Hood-looking thief guy would come again when they werent looking and steal stuff. *Farming: (only sane thing in the video) The serf would work the land and harvest the products (but apparently not all of it?)
So this guy is taken to the dungeon (Im guessing Mr. Robin Hood?) then a guard would....hit a skeleton with his axe? and a serf would come with a box, then THE DREADED HORSE WOULD RUN OVER THEM AGAIN. Mr. Robin Hood would find himself locked in a place full of skeletons and axes....WHAT KIND OF SECURITY IS THAT? LEAVING A CRIMINAL WITH AXES?
so yeah, thats pretty muh what I understood, Im posting from LiveJournal, sorry
María Camila Eusse
P.S: you should watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GyZDigQnaQ
SUSANA PELAEZ WORKK!! my conclusions: had problems, cutted plants, the system started in england but it was also used in france, had treasures in boxes, stoled
knights: had problems with other guys, killed between each other, had to protect the baron and his familiy, and in recompense they will have a piece of land
*dungeon:take people to the "jail", but people had the gold in the boxes, get out of "jail"
was introduces to engand after william l conquered engalnd, after was used by france. -they didn't liked flowers -they drop their weapons out of the castle and jumpt of up there for them
KINGDOM: -still others person things when they felt down of the horses -jump out of the castles too
KNIGHTS: -fight a lot -were given land by the baron, and need to protect him and his family -also need to protect the manor from attack -they can keep how many land they want and distribute the other to serfs -didn't like flowers
PEASANT'S JOB -iron mining is like one of th josbs of a peasant he do the protection of knights -anoter job is farming, they plant and harvest maybe vegetables or plants -they don't have rights and work for free,where poor and need to ask for permision to get marry
DUNGEON: -bad security -take people to jail and there they still things from boxes and scape from the jail
I liked thvideo and it was funny, and that was what I understood..
FEUDAL: was first introduced in england by Will, and then by france and normans *they like fight and try to destroy the flowers and fall down!!!*
KINGDOM: all the people runs all the time with stuff and like with king`s tresures and dont know what to do!!!
KNIGHTS: Baron give land to the knights when they return from military service and can have as much land as they want and the rest of it went to the serfs. they protected: -Baron and family -Manor -kingdom -etc...
PEASANT`S JOBS: people that work making things with iron, like spades and like the armor of nights!!!
VILLEINS-SERFS: they have nothing but, knights give land to theme so they give the night: -free labor -food -service at anytime - farming: collecting and planting things DUNGEON: -play with knifes -put people into jail -had all the guns -where they bad???
(hey Poly we really like these kind of activities thanks!!!) ( sorry for the time)
Feudal system: -Was introduced to Englandby the invasion of the country by the conqueror.
Kingdom: *They attaked the palace and take put things from there.
Knights: *They went and attaked. *They were given land by a baron and demanded by the king. *They had to portect Baron and they family. *They kept the land.
Peasant job: *Villeins were given land by the knights. *They had to provide the knight with food and free labor. *They were not allowed to leave the manor. *They were poor.
The feuderal system was introduced to england after the invasion and conquist of the country. the feuderal system had been used in france by the normans
Knights: *baron give land to kinghts *they have to protect the baron, his family and the manor. *they have to pay military service when it was demanded by the king. *they kept all the land that they want for theirs own personal use and distribute the rest to serfs.
Peasant´s jobs: *iron minig:they did armors *farming:they took vegetales and put them on carriages. Villeans(Serfs) *they had no rights *they were poor *they can´t leave mannor. *knights give them lands. *they have to provided food,service and free labour whenever it was demanded *they have to ask the lord´s permision before they could get marry.
Kingdom: *things could not be left alone because they were stold *bad security
Elizabeth Cadavid It was very confusing for me because I didn't understood a lot of it. my conclusions are: feudal system: *was introduced to England following the invasion. * They didn't like flowers. * They fall out of the tower.
Kingdom: * They protect. * People walk with different stuff.
Knights: * They have to protect the Baron and his family. * Fights. * They were given lands.
Peasant's job: * Iron mining. * They make iron weapons and iron armors. * Villeins were given lands by Knights. * Villeins didn't have rights, they were poor. * Farming.
my conclusions: had problems, cutted plants, the system started in england but it was also used in france, had treasures in boxes, stoled
knights: had problems with other guys, killed between each other, had to protect the baron and his familiy, and in recompense they will have a piece of land
*dungeon:take people to the "jail", but people had the gold in the boxes, get out of "jail"
I like the video and I understand everything except for dungeon I saw that knights weren't riding horses, I also saw how does people lived in The Middle Ages. Serfs were very important in the feudal system because without the knights couldn't have people to work in the manor.The video was very creative and I like it a lot!
The Inquisition was a Catholic institution for discovery and punishment of heresy(a belief that rejects the tenets of a religion), which was marked by the severity of questioning and punishment afforded to the accused.
It was actually instituted by Pope Innocent in Rome he established the Inquisition, to combat the heresy of the Abilgenses, a religious sect in France and then all around Europe.
Initially a tribunal would open and an edict would be published calling upon those who are conscious of heresy to confess. Those accused of heresy were sentenced to some punishments like physical abuse and torture. Those who reconciled with the church were still punished. Those who never confessed were burned at the stake without strangulation; those who did confess were strangled first.
In the beginning, the Inquisition dealt only with Christian heretics and did not interfere with the affairs of Jews.
The next phase of the Inquisition began around 1531, when Pope Leo X extended the Inquisition to Portugal. Thousands of Jews came to Portugal after the 1492 expulsion. The Inquisition never stopped in Spain and continued until the late 18th century.
Feudal system introduce in england following the invasion and conquest of the country William 1
-They Didn't like flowers.. And for no reason they fell of the towers..
Kingdom: -Also they fell from walls and they will steal things if you left them and then go..
Knights -They Killed each other, Baron gave them land in return of military service, They had to protect Baron and his family from attacks... after that they recived as much land as they wanted and then distributed to the rest..
Peasants -They were given land by knights, They had to serve them it was demanded, They had no rights, they needed to ask permision to get married...And they were Very Poor.
Dungeon -They had almost no security And they played with knifes..
Polly i really enjoyed watching this video i think From Lego video it's Fun to learn... Thanks..
The knights fight for the kingdom and the Baron gave lands to the for pay of the militar service and because they protected the Baron, his family and the manor from attack.
They kept the land they wanted and the rest they distributed their land for serfs(they had no rights), and because that they have to provide the knights with free labour ,food and service whenever it was demanded.
the feudal system was intruducced to england following the invasion...
KINGDOM *there are hourses run away *knight tell from wall here too *there are spiderman run away KINGHTS *they killed eachother *were given land by a baron in return for military y servise when demanded bye the king *they also had to protect the baron and his family, as well as the manor from attack. *the flowers don´t resive love PEASANT´S JOB *the built things *they had to provice the knight with free labour, food and servise whenever it was demanded. by:Daniela Gomez
FEUDAL SYSTEM the feudal system was first introduced to england by William 1 knight fight for kingdom knights were given a land by a baron when the king demanded they had to protect the manor and his family they can keep any of the land they want villiens known as serfs had to provide the knights with food and service they are poor and had no rights BY : Mariana Echandia
The Feudal System! *Was introduced to England following the invasion and conquest of William 1. *It was used in France before. *They hated flowers. *They fall off the walls..Why? Nobody knowss..
Kingdom! *There were horses. *They had treasures. *There were a lot of guards taking care of the castle. *People stole a lot.
Knights! *The knights killed the guards. * The knights protect the Baron and his family in return of land! *Still heated flowers and jumped from the walls with no reason.. Odd..
Peasant's Job! *Iron mining. *Villeins had land to cultivate. (Poor) *Farming.
Dungeon! *WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THERE?! *They hit dead people with their axes..? *The horse squash them AGAIN! *There were treasures?.. I don't know.. I didn't understand!
I realy think that the video is soooo confuse and I dond understand it very well!
the fedual system introduce in england with an invation and then it was use in france.
KINGDOM: someones were taking care of the castle, later there werE b going bad people going down the walls and I think they were taking the things of the castle.
KINGHTS: The kinghts were protecting the castle and the people that were inside, in that time were alot of people that want to kill the real family and they invade the castle but the hinghts kill them.
-Iron mining: they create things for the porotection of the kinghts.
-The feudal system: * was introduce to England after the invacion by William I * was use in france too.
-The kingdom: *they steal things *protect the castle *they fell down of the walls
-The knights: *they protec the castle from enemies or invacions *were reward for protecting the castle so the baronsgive them lands *have to protect the barons and theirs families. *they get all the land they want an the rest they give it to the serfs
-Peasant's jobs: *Iron mining: they do the armor to the knights. *farming:they plant and do agriculture.
-Serfs: *they get land by the knights *they havo no rights so they are free labour *they have to ask if they could get married
-Dungeon (calabozo): is were the bad people is enclosed the rest of their lives or waitin to be kill in the bonfire or behead(decapitado).
Conlutions * Feudalism was introduced first in France at 900 AD and in England following the invasion and conquest of the country by William I. *It consist in the conquerer giving the knights lands that where obtain for military service, from that land they kept part of the production but the most of them is for the conquerer. *Knights distributed the resting land (that they didn't want) to the serfs. *Peasan't did iron minning. *Also farming. *Villeins where slaves, they didn't have rights and had to provide the knight whatever he wants. *In dungeon to bad security they leaved the prisioners and also played very much with knifes. Sorry it was too late.. BY:Susana Chvatal 7B
The feudalism system!!! the king: *The King was in complete control under the Feudal System. He owned all the land in the country and decided who he would lease land to. *He therefore only allowed those men he could trust to lease land from him. the barons: *Barons leased land from the King which was known as a manor. They were known as the Lord of the Manor and were in complete control of this land. They established their own system of justice, minted their own money and set their own taxes. knights: *Knights were given land by a Baron in return for military service when demanded by the King. They also had to protect the Baron and his family, as well as the Manor, from attack. villens: *Villeins, sometimes known as serfs, were given land by Knights. They had to provide the Knight with free labour, food and service whenever it was demanded. Villeins had no rights. They were not allowed to leave the Manor and had to ask their Lord's permission before they could marry. Villeins were poor.
feudal System: - It was introduced to England after an invassion, and it was first used in France by the Normans.
- In the kingdom people worked constructing castles with the help of horses and they were like preparing things for war.People stole money and other objects.
- The knights fight like to do not let any invasors enter to their town, they had lands given as a reward for offering a military service and they killed each other(enemies).
- Peasants: they didnt have rights, were poor, asked permission for EVERYTHING they wanted to do, provided food and service to the knight whenever they demand it and worked on the following: - mining: they worked like all day in the mine looking for iron for making the knights armor working all day long. - farming: they worked with horses that helped them to pull what they were gathering in a truck. - Dungeon: where people were sent like to "prison" they scaped from there because they had REALLY BAD security. by: Paulina Arango V. 7B
feudal system was first introduced in england and then on france.
kingdom: people were busy arrownd the castle
knights: fight a lot!!! they were a very mportant part of the kingdom and the feudal system the baron gave them thle land they wanted and they could use them for their benefit
peasants: they work with iron making things for the knights they do farming
dungeon: they managed jail
In the Midle ages in Europe, what people ate depended a lot on how rich they were. Poor people (which was almost everybody) ate mainly barley. Sometimes they made their barley into bread, and sometimes into pancakes or pizza, and sometimes into barley porridge (like oatmeal) and sometimes into barley soup. But every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, most of every meal was barley. It must have been very boring!
During the crusades, though, the French and English and German soldiers who were fighting in west Asia ate a lot of West Asian style food while they were there, and they got to like it. When they came home, a lot of them still wanted to have fancier food than they had had before, and they missed the oranges and lemons they had eaten in the South. So in the Late Middle Ages, European cooking became a lot more Mediterranean than it had been in the Early Middle Ages.
Most people in Medieval England had to make their own food. Food shops were found in towns but most people were peasants who lived in villages where these did not exist. Lords of the manor, did not allow peasants on his land to bake their bread in their own homes. All peasants had to pay to use the lord’s oven.
-Was introduced to England after an invassion, and it was first used in France by the Normans.
-The kingdom: all the people worked very hard and protect the castle and the kings.
-Knights: a baron gave them lands in return for military service. They had to protect the baron and his family from attacks.
-Serfers: they didn´t had rights. They were poor. They had to ask permision to do their things specialy for marry.
-Farming: The people worked very hard taking care of their gardens and making their thing grow; they used a horse to help them take the thing they garden.
-Dungeon: They were people send to jail. In there they had to worked.
Feudal system conclusions from the video • System It was introduced to England by ¬–William, but it was used first in France by the Normans. They had a really bad security system there where people falling form towers ,people cutting flowers all things that you can imagine except protecting that was what they where suppose to do. • Kingdom They were lots of people running and steeling from each other they had a security system less effective than the one that had the system, personally I could not imagine me there suffering all that things. They were just animals (really bad people) • Knights Where people who fight with each other with no apparent reason, they where also people that had to protect baron because of the land he gave them. • Peasants They where people that do iron things I think that they had a good security system in comparison to the others, they also had to provide the knights with free labour,food and service but they had a problem they did NOT have rights. • Farming Really look like if they where peaceful people, they cut flowers and they recollect food. • Total conclusions Defiantly they had a terrible security system, they hate flowers, they were really aggressive and they did stupid things as well.
It was introduced in England when william I made an invasion to it, it was previously used in France since Normans came in 900 AD.
They protected forts from invasions and prepared for them.
There were guards to take care for the castles but anyway people stole things.
They fought against warriors as a request from the king and as a reward they were given land by a baron. They also had to protect the baron and the manor. They kept many of the land and the rest they gave it to the serfs (villiens) who had to provide service to the knights in reward. The serfs were poor and did not had rights, they had to ask for permission to leave the manor or get married.
IRON MINING:´ Some people worked in there, other people stole a lot of iron it it.
FARMING: Peasants took care of gardens.
It was a place were they trapped or kidnapped people until they died. they also stole things in there.
when we talk about medieval castles we think of myth and legend and damsels in distress but medieval castles could be banks church or a home residence. They first appeared in Roman times but when the roman empire fall the rice of feudalism made castles building grow . In the feudalistic society the King was the supreme and the landholders were next they were given providing knights . They were made of Earth and and timber and they were divided in 2 the enclosure and central area.They were built on a hill most commonly. As castle building progressed, towers were added to the structure for additional defense
FEUDAL SYSTEM: *This system was used first by normans in France and then was used in Engalnd after the incation of Williams I. *Knights fell down of the towers *knights hate flowers
KINGDOM: *Knights worked all day in the castle *If they left something alone for a second, someone can stela it
KNIGHTS: *The knights fought with other knights and they protect the baron and his family. *Each knight have a certain piece of land and they used it for their personal things.
PEASANTS: *They worked on iron *They served to knights *they do farming *They had no rights
DUNGEON: *They worked in jail and they managed it.
My conclutions are: *I only understand that Knights hate flowers so they cuted them.
KINGDOM: People jump of the castels and i see that when people leave them propertys alone for a minut someone stole them.
KNIGHTS: *Land was given to a Knight for a Baron. *They had to protect the Baron and his Family in case of attack. *They distributed some of the products of the land with their serfs.
PEASANTS JOB: *The job of the serfs was given by the Knight, serfs had to work for him and to service him everytime that is was demanded. *They were poor, and they had no rights and they had to ask for permition to marry.
DUNGEON: *It was a very bad security because the prisioners can to scape and people cant work without having problems.
KINGDOM: -The knights used to work all the day in the castle. -They couldn't leave alone their work because they could steal it.
KNIGHTS: -They protected the baron. -Each one had a piece of land and they used it for their personal things. PEASANTS: -they give service to knights -they didn't had rights.
DUNGEON: -They worked in jail. -they had bad security.
Okay so my conclusions:
ReplyDelete1. The feudal system was apparently first used in France by the Normans, later used England after William I conquered the country.
2. Knights do stupid things on towers that will make them fall down or drop their weapons.
3. Knights HATE flowers.
1. If someone´s horse runs away for no apparent reason and goes to look for help leaving their stuff alone someone will steal it (funny how it still happens today XD)
2. Knights fell from walls here too.
3. Spiderman jumped around.
4. Then, the horse mentioned before runs over the knight, his owner chasing him.
1. They killed eachother.
2. The feudal lord (here called Baron ?) gave knights land, they had to show loyalty to him and pay military service. They had to protect the lord, his family and the whole Manor when attacked.
3. They used as much of land as they wanted for what they wanted and gave the rest to serfs.
4. They killed more people, and ran over flowers with catapults ( D: FLOWERS GET NO LOVE )
Serfs worked on the lands given to them by knights, they worked for free. They had no rights, were poor, had to ask permission for everything and never let the Manor.
*Iron Mining: Im guessing they were blacksmiths? and made armor for knights? In any case, the Robin Hood-looking thief guy would come again when they werent looking and steal stuff.
*Farming: (only sane thing in the video) The serf would work the land and harvest the products (but apparently not all of it?)
So this guy is taken to the dungeon (Im guessing Mr. Robin Hood?) then a guard would....hit a skeleton with his axe? and a serf would come with a box, then THE DREADED HORSE WOULD RUN OVER THEM AGAIN.
Mr. Robin Hood would find himself locked in a place full of skeletons and axes....WHAT KIND OF SECURITY IS THAT? LEAVING A CRIMINAL WITH AXES?
so yeah, thats pretty muh what I understood,
Im posting from LiveJournal, sorry
María Camila Eusse
P.S: you should watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GyZDigQnaQ
ReplyDelete*Didn't like flowers
*Fall of the towers
*Stole people things when they have to let them alone because the horse went running away
*Also fell of the towers
*Had to protect the baron
*In reward they will get a piece of land to use.. and they could alsa distribute the rest to serfs
*Knights gave them land
*Worked making armors for the knights
*No rights
*Poor people
*Very little security.
ReplyDeletemy conclusions:
had problems, cutted plants, the system started in england but it was also used in france, had treasures in boxes, stoled
knights: had problems with other guys, killed between each other, had to protect the baron and his familiy, and in recompense they will have a piece of land
*dungeon:take people to the "jail", but people had the gold in the boxes, get out of "jail"
ReplyDeletewas introduces to engand after william l conquered engalnd, after was used by france.
-they didn't liked flowers
-they drop their weapons out of the castle and jumpt of up there for them
-still others person things when they felt down of the horses
-jump out of the castles too
-fight a lot
-were given land by the baron, and need to protect him and his family
-also need to protect the manor from attack
-they can keep how many land they want and distribute the other to serfs
-didn't like flowers
-iron mining is like one of th josbs of a peasant he do the protection of knights
-anoter job is farming, they plant and harvest maybe vegetables or plants
-they don't have rights and work for free,where poor and need to ask for permision to get marry
-bad security
-take people to jail and there they still things from boxes and scape from the jail
I liked thvideo and it was funny, and that was what I understood..
ReplyDeleteI dont like the video it was very confused for me! but hera are muy conclusion!
feudal system:
was introduce to england by william 1
the system had been use in frace too
they fall of the tower
it was crazy out ther!!
they kill each other
they had to protect the baron and the family
peasante job
the iron minig i dont realy undersant it! :S
villeins some time were know by seefs they were poor
they were bad
the secuestr peoples
María Adelaida Piedrahita (a.k.a Mapi) work
was first introduced in england by Will, and then by france and normans *they like fight and try to destroy the flowers and fall down!!!*
all the people runs all the time with stuff and like with king`s tresures and dont know what to do!!!
Baron give land to the knights when they return from military service and can have as much land as they want and the rest of it went to the serfs.
they protected:
-Baron and family
people that work making things with iron, like spades and like the armor of nights!!!
they have nothing but, knights give land to theme so they give the night:
-free labor
-service at anytime
- farming: collecting and planting things
-play with knifes
-put people into jail
-had all the guns
-where they bad???
(hey Poly we really like these kind of activities thanks!!!) ( sorry for the time)
My conclusion:
ReplyDeleteFeudal system:
-Was introduced to Englandby the invasion of the country by the conqueror.
*They attaked the palace and take put things from there.
*They went and attaked.
*They were given land by a baron and demanded by the king.
*They had to portect Baron and they family.
*They kept the land.
Peasant job:
*Villeins were given land by the knights.
*They had to provide the knight with food and free labor.
*They were not allowed to leave the manor.
*They were poor.
*They attaked the house.
By: Maria Clara Villa
my conclusion:
ReplyDeleteThe feuderal system was introduced to england after the invasion and conquist of the country.
the feuderal system had been used in france by the normans
*baron give land to kinghts
*they have to protect the baron, his family and the manor.
*they have to pay military service when it was demanded by the king.
*they kept all the land that they want for theirs own personal use and distribute the rest to serfs.
Peasant´s jobs:
*iron minig:they did armors
*farming:they took vegetales and put them on carriages.
*they had no rights
*they were poor
*they can´t leave mannor.
*knights give them lands.
*they have to provided food,service and free labour whenever it was demanded
*they have to ask the lord´s permision before they could get marry.
*things could not be left alone because they were stold
*bad security
*really bad security
Mariana Ramírez Duque.
Elizabeth Cadavid
ReplyDeleteIt was very confusing for me because I didn't understood a lot of it.
my conclusions are:
feudal system:
*was introduced to England following the invasion.
* They didn't like flowers.
* They fall out of the tower.
* They protect.
* People walk with different stuff.
* They have to protect the Baron and his family.
* Fights.
* They were given lands.
Peasant's job:
* Iron mining.
* They make iron weapons and iron armors.
* Villeins were given lands by Knights.
* Villeins didn't have rights, they were poor.
* Farming.
* They take people to jail.
I dont like the video it was very confused for me! but hera are muy conclusion!
ReplyDeletefeudal system:
was introduce to england by william 1
the system had been use in frace too
they fall of the tower
it was crazy out ther!!
they kill each other
they had to protect the baron and the family
peasante job
the iron minig i dont realy undersant it! :S
villeins some time were know by seefs they were poor
they were bad
the secuestr peoples
Thanks girls for all of your comments
ReplyDeletemy conclusions:
ReplyDeletehad problems, cutted plants, the system started in england but it was also used in france, had treasures in boxes, stoled
knights: had problems with other guys, killed between each other, had to protect the baron and his familiy, and in recompense they will have a piece of land
*dungeon:take people to the "jail", but people had the gold in the boxes, get out of "jail"
I like the video and I understand everything except for dungeon I saw that knights weren't riding horses, I also saw how does people lived in The Middle Ages. Serfs were very important in the feudal system because without the knights couldn't have people to work in the manor.The video was very creative and I like it a lot!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMaria Adelaida Piedrahita
The Inquisition was a Catholic institution for discovery and punishment of heresy(a belief that rejects the tenets of a religion), which was marked by the severity of questioning and punishment afforded to the accused.
It was actually instituted by Pope Innocent in Rome he established the Inquisition, to combat the heresy of the Abilgenses, a religious sect in France and then all around Europe.
Initially a tribunal would open and an edict would be published calling upon those who are conscious of heresy to confess. Those accused of heresy were sentenced to some punishments like physical abuse and torture. Those who reconciled with the church were still punished. Those who never confessed were burned at the stake without strangulation; those who did confess were strangled first.
In the beginning, the Inquisition dealt only with Christian heretics and did not interfere with the affairs of Jews.
The next phase of the Inquisition began around 1531, when Pope Leo X extended the Inquisition to Portugal. Thousands of Jews came to Portugal after the 1492 expulsion. The Inquisition never stopped in Spain and continued until the late 18th century.
Elisa Giraldo Londono 7B
ReplyDeleteFeudal system introduce in england following the invasion and conquest of the country William 1
-They Didn't like flowers.. And for no reason they fell of the towers..
-Also they fell from walls and they will steal things if you left them and then go..
-They Killed each other, Baron gave them land in return of military service, They had to protect Baron and his family from attacks... after that they recived as much land as they wanted and then distributed to the rest..
-They were given land by knights, They had to serve them it was demanded, They had no rights, they needed to ask permision to get married...And they were Very Poor.
-They had almost no security And they played with knifes..
Polly i really enjoyed watching this video i think From Lego video it's Fun to learn... Thanks..
Elisa Giraldo Londono 7B
My conclusions are:
ReplyDeleteThe knights fight for the kingdom and the Baron gave lands to the for pay of the militar service and because they protected the Baron, his family and the manor from attack.
They kept the land they wanted and the rest they distributed their land for serfs(they had no rights), and because that they have to provide the knights with free labour ,food and service whenever it was demanded.
By:Mariana Aranzazu
the feudal system was intruducced to england following the invasion...
*there are hourses run away
*knight tell from wall here too
*there are spiderman run away
*they killed eachother
*were given land by a baron in return for military y servise when demanded bye the king
*they also had to protect the baron and his family, as well as the manor from attack.
*the flowers don´t resive love
*the built things
*they had to provice the knight with free labour, food and servise whenever it was demanded.
by:Daniela Gomez
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ReplyDeletethe feudal system was first introduced to england by William 1
knight fight for kingdom
knights were given a land by a baron when the king demanded they had to protect the manor and his family
they can keep any of the land they want
villiens known as serfs had to provide the knights with food and service they are poor and had no rights
BY : Mariana Echandia
The Feudal System!
ReplyDelete*Was introduced to England following the invasion and conquest of William 1.
*It was used in France before.
*They hated flowers.
*They fall off the walls..Why? Nobody knowss..
*There were horses.
*They had treasures.
*There were a lot of guards taking care of the castle.
*People stole a lot.
*The knights killed the guards.
* The knights protect the Baron and his family in return of land!
*Still heated flowers and jumped from the walls with no reason.. Odd..
Peasant's Job!
*Iron mining.
*Villeins had land to cultivate. (Poor)
*They hit dead people with their axes..?
*The horse squash them AGAIN!
*There were treasures?.. I don't know.. I didn't understand!
*PaulinaOlarte!* 7B
My Conclutions:
ReplyDeleteI realy think that the video is soooo confuse and I dond understand it very well!
the fedual system introduce in england with an invation and then it was use in france.
someones were taking care of the castle, later there werE b going bad people going down the walls and I think they were taking the things of the castle.
The kinghts were protecting the castle and the people that were inside, in that time were alot of people that want to kill the real family and they invade the castle but the hinghts kill them.
-Iron mining: they create things for the porotection of the kinghts.
-Farming: they plant things.
-Dungeon:the kinghts put the bad people into gail
My conclusions:
ReplyDelete-The feudal system:
* was introduce to England after the invacion by William I
* was use in france too.
-The kingdom:
*they steal things
*protect the castle
*they fell down of the walls
-The knights:
*they protec the castle from enemies or invacions
*were reward for protecting the castle so the baronsgive them lands
*have to protect the barons and theirs families.
*they get all the land they want an the rest they give it to the serfs
-Peasant's jobs:
*Iron mining: they do the armor to the knights.
*farming:they plant and do agriculture.
*they get land by the knights
*they havo no rights so they are free labour
*they have to ask if they could get married
-Dungeon (calabozo): is were the bad people is enclosed the rest of their lives or waitin to be kill in the bonfire or behead(decapitado).
the up one is by: carolina lotero pérez 7°B (ninalotero)
ReplyDelete* Feudalism was introduced first in France at 900 AD and in England following the invasion and conquest of the country by William I.
*It consist in the conquerer giving the knights lands that where obtain for military service, from that land they kept part of the production but the most of them is for the conquerer.
*Knights distributed the resting land (that they didn't want) to the serfs.
*Peasan't did iron minning.
*Also farming.
*Villeins where slaves, they didn't have rights and had to provide the knight whatever he wants.
*In dungeon to bad security they leaved the prisioners and also played very much with knifes.
Sorry it was too late..
BY:Susana Chvatal 7B
The feudalism system!!!
ReplyDeletethe king:
*The King was in complete control under the Feudal System. He owned all the land in the country and decided who he would lease land to.
*He therefore only allowed those men he could trust to lease land from him.
the barons:
*Barons leased land from the King which was known as a manor. They were known as the Lord of the Manor and were in complete control of this land. They established their own system of justice, minted their own money and set their own taxes.
*Knights were given land by a Baron in return for military service when demanded by the King. They also had to protect the Baron and his family, as well as the Manor, from attack.
*Villeins, sometimes known as serfs, were given land by Knights. They had to provide the Knight with free labour, food and service whenever it was demanded. Villeins had no rights. They were not allowed to leave the Manor and had to ask their Lord's permission before they could marry. Villeins were poor.
feudal System:
ReplyDelete- It was introduced to England after an invassion, and it was first used in France by the Normans.
- In the kingdom people worked constructing castles with the help of horses and they were like preparing things for war.People stole money and other objects.
- The knights fight like to do not let any invasors enter to their town, they had lands given as a reward for offering a military service and they killed each other(enemies).
- Peasants: they didnt have rights, were poor, asked permission for EVERYTHING they wanted to do, provided food and service to the knight whenever they demand it and worked on the following:
- mining: they worked like all day in the mine looking for iron for making the knights armor working all day long.
- farming: they worked with horses that helped them to pull what they were gathering in a truck.
- Dungeon: where people were sent like to "prison" they scaped from there because they had REALLY BAD security.
by: Paulina Arango V. 7B
feudal system was first introduced in england and then on france.
people were busy arrownd the castle
fight a lot!!!
they were a very mportant part of the kingdom and the feudal system
the baron gave them thle land they wanted and they could use them for their benefit
they work with iron making things for the knights
they do farming
they managed jail
ReplyDeleteIn the Midle ages in Europe, what people ate depended a lot on how rich they were. Poor people (which was almost everybody) ate mainly barley. Sometimes they made their barley into bread, and sometimes into pancakes or pizza, and sometimes into barley porridge (like oatmeal) and sometimes into barley soup. But every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, most of every meal was barley. It must have been very boring!
During the crusades, though, the French and English and German soldiers who were fighting in west Asia ate a lot of West Asian style food while they were there, and they got to like it. When they came home, a lot of them still wanted to have fancier food than they had had before, and they missed the oranges and lemons they had eaten in the South. So in the Late Middle Ages, European cooking became a lot more Mediterranean than it had been in the Early Middle Ages.
Most people in Medieval England had to make their own food. Food shops were found in towns but most people were peasants who lived in villages where these did not exist. Lords of the manor, did not allow peasants on his land to bake their bread in their own homes. All peasants had to pay to use the lord’s oven.
ReplyDelete-Was introduced to England after an invassion, and it was first used in France by the Normans.
-The kingdom: all the people worked very hard and protect the castle and the kings.
-Knights: a baron gave them lands in return for military service. They had to protect the baron and his family from attacks.
-Serfers: they didn´t had rights. They were poor. They had to ask permision to do their things specialy for marry.
-Farming: The people worked very hard taking care of their gardens and making their thing grow; they used a horse to help them take the thing they garden.
-Dungeon: They were people send to jail. In there they had to worked.
by: Carolina Agudelo L.
Feudal system conclusions from the video
ReplyDelete• System
It was introduced to England by ¬–William, but it was used first in France by the Normans.
They had a really bad security system there where people falling form towers ,people cutting flowers all things that you can imagine except protecting that was what they where suppose to do.
• Kingdom
They were lots of people running and steeling from each other they had a security system less effective than the one that had the system, personally I could not imagine me there suffering all that things. They were just animals (really bad people)
• Knights
Where people who fight with each other with no apparent reason, they where also people that had to protect baron because of the land he gave them.
• Peasants
They where people that do iron things I think that they had a good security system in comparison to the others, they also had to provide the knights with free labour,food and service but they had a problem they did NOT have rights.
• Farming
Really look like if they where peaceful people, they cut flowers and they recollect food.
• Total conclusions
Defiantly they had a terrible security system, they hate flowers, they were really aggressive and they did stupid things as well.
By Maria Manuela Marquez
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ReplyDeleteIt was introduced in England when william I made an invasion to it, it was previously used in France since Normans came in 900 AD.
They protected forts from invasions and prepared for them.
There were guards to take care for the castles but anyway people stole things.
They fought against warriors as a request from the king and as a reward they were given land by a baron. They also had to protect the baron and the manor.
They kept many of the land and the rest they gave it to the serfs (villiens) who had to provide service to the knights in reward.
The serfs were poor and did not had rights, they had to ask for permission to leave the manor or get married.
Some people worked in there, other people stole a lot of iron it it.
Peasants took care of gardens.
It was a place were they trapped or kidnapped people until they died. they also stole things in there.
My Conclusions about feudal system
ReplyDelete-They don't like gardens or flowers
-Fall of the towers
-when the horses went running away the stole people things
-they also fell of the towers
-they protect the baron
-Kept as much of land as they wished for their own personal use
-they had to provide the knight with free labour
-They had no rights
-Had to ask permission before the could marry.
-Were poor people
-Bad security.
By : Susana Cardona 7b *:D
when we talk about medieval castles we think of myth and legend and damsels in distress but medieval castles could be banks church or a home residence.
They first appeared in Roman times but when the roman empire fall the rice of feudalism made castles building grow .
In the feudalistic society the King was the supreme and the landholders were next they were given providing knights .
They were made of Earth and and timber and they were divided in 2 the enclosure and central area.They were built on a hill most commonly. As castle building progressed, towers were added to the structure for additional defense
ReplyDelete*This system was used first by normans in France and then was used in Engalnd after the incation of Williams I.
*Knights fell down of the towers
*knights hate flowers
*Knights worked all day in the castle
*If they left something alone for a second, someone can stela it
*The knights fought with other knights and they protect the baron and his family.
*Each knight have a certain piece of land and they used it for their personal things.
*They worked on iron
*They served to knights
*they do farming
*They had no rights
*They worked in jail and they managed it.
ReplyDelete*Was introduced to England by William I.
*They didn't like flowers so they cuted them.
*People runs with different stuff.
*They has to protect the Baron and his family.
*They kept as much of the land as they wished.
*They were given lands by the Knights.
*Villeins had no rights, they were poor.
*They were growers.
*People were send to jail.
*There they had to work.
*Bad security.
My conclutions are:
ReplyDelete*I only understand that Knights hate flowers so they cuted them.
People jump of the castels and i see that when people leave them propertys alone for a minut someone stole them.
*Land was given to a Knight for a Baron.
*They had to protect the Baron and his Family in case of attack.
*They distributed some of the products of the land with their serfs.
*The job of the serfs was given by the Knight, serfs had to work for him and to service him everytime that is was demanded.
*They were poor, and they had no rights and they had to ask for permition to marry.
*It was a very bad security because the prisioners can to scape and people cant work without having problems.
My Conclutions...
ReplyDelete*They didn´t like flowers
*They jump of the castels.
*They had to protect their families.
Peasnts Job:
*They worked with iron.
*They were poor, Villeins had no rights.
*They do farming.
*Bad security.
*work in jail.
ReplyDelete-The knights used to work all the day in the castle.
-They couldn't leave alone their work because they could steal it.
-They protected the baron.
-Each one had a piece of land and they used it for their personal things.
-they give service to knights
-they didn't had rights.
-They worked in jail.
-they had bad security.
By:Sofia Gonzalez 7b *